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Point Blank IP Block, Bypass With WTFast

Point Blank IP Block? You can bypass it with WTFast.

A few days ago, I received a message from Thea Erika in Twitter asking for help about Point Blank. Her problem was, the IP Block of Point Blank Philippines was preventing her from playing the game in the US.

Point Blank IP Block, Bypass With WTFast

According to her, this was not an issue when Point Blank was still under Level Up Games. The IP Block started when Point Blank was transferred to Garena Philippines.

She tried using WTFast to Bypass the IP Block but, according to her, it didn't work. Unfortunately, I can't test if bypassing with WTFast works or not because I'm already in the Philippines. I suggested that she use VPN Gate but she didn't find any Philippine servers in it.

A few days later, she messaged me again in Twitter informing me that she got WTFast to bypass the IP Block of Point Blank Philippines. The servers that she used to bypass the IP Block of Point Blank Philippines in WTFast were servers from Singapore.

So, if you are outside the Philippines and you want to play in the Philippine servers of Point Blank then simply use WTFast to bypass the IP Block by connecting through a server in Singapore.

You can get WTFast for free at

Also, thanks to Thea Erika in Twitter for sharing this awesome piece of information to all of us.

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