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Rakion Chaos Force, September Event 2014

Rakion Chaos Force's September Event 2014

Another Rakion Chaos Force Update and another Rakion Chaos Force Update Video. LOL!

My new hobby besides gaming and blogging is making videos for my YouTube channels and one of my newer ones is about Rakion's Event for the month of September, 2014.

I received the update from Rakion via e-mail and created a YouTube video listing the things that Rakion players will enjoy in Rakion for the month of September 2014. Watch the video below to find out what they are.

Rakion or Rakion Chaos Force is a free-to-play multiplayer online PvP battle arena game published globally by Softnyx. It's a very old game but the game still has many players playing. Players are from all over the world including the Philippines.

To learn more about Rakion Chaos Force, go to Rakion's Official Website.

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

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