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Ragnarok Online 2 Bot Is Now In The Works

Today, I discovered something interesting and also alarming while I was visiting various Ragnarok Online 2 pages in Facebook. The thing that I discovered is interesting because it will make life in Ragnarok Online 2 easier and it's also alarming because it can destroy the game and it's community if left unattended.

I'm talking about a Ragnarok Online 2 Bot. Yes, at least one person is already working on a bot program for Ragnarok Online 2. It's currently in beta but judging from the features posted in its Facebook page, it can already do some basic functions like looting, hunting mobs, using potions and other things.

The name of this particular Ragnarok Online 2 Bot is Kirito Bot. I believe the name was taken from the hero of the anime Sword Art Online which is a very popular anime.

Ragnarok Online 2 Bot, Kirito Bot Facebook Page

Currently, this particular Ragnarok Online 2 Bot is still under-development and it's already working but it's only working for the Ranger Class. From what I can tell from the content of its Facebook page, other classes and features are already in the works.

According to the owner of the Kirito Bot Facebook Page, he will release the Beta Version of Kirito Bot for free to everyone and he will charge a small fee for the Full Version. He is also planning to release the Beta Version of the bot in just a week.

As you can see, Ragnarok Online 2 is so popular that at least one person is already creating or has created a bot for it. The probability of more Ragnarok Online 2 bots will appear in the future is very, very high. In fact, the chance of Ragnarok Online 2 becoming a bot infested game like the original game is also very, very high.

Anyway, what are your thoughts about using a bot like Kirito Bot in Ragnarok Online 2? Are you in favor or against it? Are you going to use a bot like Kirito Bot in Ragnarok Online 2 or not? Share your thoughts and opinions by posting a comment below.

As for me, I quit the original Ragnarok Online MMORPG when the it got infested with bot users. If the same thing happens to Ragnarok Online 2 then I can already see myself quitting the game in the future.

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  1. where to download this ragnarok 2 bot?

    1. Wheres the fun in botting? You get rich, and strong by cheating. So it means you're really weak.

    2. U must be dumb to not use bot when everyone is using. And u will be the weak not the botters. Dumb x2.

  2. I might look for another game if this game become bot infested. I mean, the game is not that hard to start with

    1. Yes, it's not very hard to play... it's quite simple compared to other MMORPGs...

  3. hey guys..seriously, do we still have to use bot on ro2? i dont thing so..

  4. The bot isn't even out yet, lets not jump to conclusions. I'd be okay with it if it were a private bot and not tailored for mass use. We'll see

  5. Botting in RO2 is useless... even if you will bot, you wont get anything at all. Good equips are dropped from bosses that requires full party to deal with. normal monsters will not drop any valuable items, not to mention its easy to lvl 50 in ro2 so i dont see any reason for automation

    1. unfortunately, some people are just too lazy to grind... T_T

    2. I am one who is too "Lazy" to grind. I have to be very busy in my real life doing NON Lazy things all day long. Things I hate doing so i can survive and have money to do things I enjoy doing. I don't have the luxury or patience to spend my leisure time being NON lazy grinding something that is boring and unfun. So i'll use a bot. In games I enjoy questing or "grinding" I will hand level. Maybe if game companies made the game more fun to level less bots will be made?

    3. As for me, I would never play a game that I find boring and not fun... that's all I can say to that... :D

  6. But he has tonnnnsssss of money to buy all the better EQ's either way.

  7. I'm botting this one already. Also I see many bots other than Krito bot. The reason I bot. I really hate leveling because it's a grind and i'm not Asian. Don't enjoy killing the same crap over and over for hours. I do enjoy dungeons and group play. This is why I use a bot. To not deal with the bad aspects and enjoy the parts I enjoy. If you think there won't be bots on this game you should probably hang up the towel now.

    1. such a liar.. ro 2 doesn't have bot.. so ur the dumb lie :p

  8. Lol a Pixel bot, can be made off Blue eye macro

    1. yes, blue eye micro can do bot a game like RO2 LOTS, a game with click the monster, and leave the rest to click the skill with keyboard.
      i mean, there are a lot of games system like RO2 LOTS, so, if another game like that has a bot system. Of course the bot with RO2 LOTS will work.
      for an example, is Digimon Master Online is similiar to RO2 LOTS.

      After you know this, will u quit from playing RO2? and wait until RO2 another version release?
      I don't think so..
      Honestly, i hate to believe it, but it's true the system very similiar and easy to do bot.

  9. sir, does anyone here knows the bug in the sogratt daily quest were in you will not move and instantly you will have much zeny?pls pm mee

  10. I think if we want to get rid of bot users we need to report them once we saw one, not just report i mean you have to take a video of the process, And for player to be vigilant about it, RO2 it self must give compensation to reporters. If nothing is done ro2 will become a bot infested mmo.

  11. papi kabalyero.. kamusta? d2 lng pala uli kita makasama. ahahaha. missed the khan days. Batusai to papi.. miss ko na ung powerhouse g khan.. anyways.. nagkasama pa kami sa ibang laro nila atatin at hisdudeness. anu laro natin ngaun?


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