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How To Create An Account For Ragnarok Online 2 SEA?

If you want to play in the English server of Ragnarok Online 2 SEA but you don't know how to create an account for it then this post will show you how. By the way, the publisher of Ragnarok Online 2 SEA is blocking players who are not in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam from accessing the game but it's allowing everyone in the world to create an account for it. O_o

So, to create an account for Ragnarok Online 2 SEA, you must first go to PlayPark's website at At the main page, click on the blue Register for PlayID button to access the registration form. Screenshots are included for your reference.

Fill-up the registration form with all the necessary information and click on the green Create Account button located at the bottom of the page. It will load the next page and it will have a Congratulations message on it but you'll still need to verify your newly created account by checking your registered e-mail address for the verification e-mail.

Access your e-mail account and look for the Account Verification e-mail. It will have the account verification link in it. Simply click on the link to verify your newly registered PlayPark account. It will load another page with a Congratulations message but this time you're set and ready to use your account to access Ragnarok Online 2 SEA.

If you are blocked from accessing the game because you're not in the four allowed countries then please check out this post, One More Time! Bypass Ragnarok Online 2 SEA Country Block. It will help you bypass the country block or the IP block of Ragnarok Online 2 SEA.

Hopefully, this simple guide is enough to help all those who are having problems creating an account for Ragnarok Online 2 SEA. It's very simple and it'll only take you a few minutes.

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.


  1. nice! and very easy to follow instructtions! i would recommend your site to those of my friends who plays this game a lot! xx

  2. It's been ages since I last touched my Ragnarok account, haha. :)

    1. oh, this is for Ragnarok Online 2... unfortunately, it's not yet in the Philippines...

  3. great instruction! I'm a ragna player back in my high and college days ^.^

  4. Ragnarok is the popular online game that my cousin played before and it took him longer hours in playing this game. I think he enjoyed it much. Unfortunately, I do not play this game.


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