
Eliminate Game Lag With WTFast!

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Can US Or NA Players Play In Ragnarok Online 2 SEA?

If they're going to follow the rules then they're obviously not suppose to play in Ragnarok Online 2 SEA because the game is only for players in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. BUT, if they really want to play in Ragnarok Online 2 SEA then all they have to do is create a Ragnarok Online 2 SEA account, download, install and play the game.

Ragnarok Online 2 SEA

What about the country or IP block? Come on, that's not really a question because getting around these blocks is easy. For example, they can use Hotspot Shield or WTFast to bypass or get pass the country block or IP block of the game. They might experience a little lag but, at least, they'll get to connect to the game and play.
  • To know how to connect to Ragnarok Online 2 SEA using Hotspot Shield, click here.
  • To learn how to use WTFast to connect to Ragnarok Online 2 SEA, click here.
  • They can also connect to Ragnarok Online 2 using PrivateTunnel and the can learn about it here.
Obviously, there are other ways of connecting to Ragnarok Online 2 SEA but, from the three methods listed above, WTFast is the best because it'll let them connect to a server in Singapore and Malaysia which are two countries serviced by Ragnarok Online 2 SEA. Download WTFast at and take advantage of the 30 days Free Trial.

US or NA players, don't let a simple country or IP block prevent you from enjoying or playing in the SEA server of Ragnarok Online 2. Of course, you can all move out of Ragnarok Online 2 SEA once you get your own local server because you'll get better connection by playing in your own local server.

But, in the meantime, Ragnarok Online 2 SEA is here to serve your Ragnarok Online 2 addiction. LOL!

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.


  1. Like your tips, my husband will surely follow all these. He is a fan of Ragnarok.

  2. i guess ur 30day trial of WTFast has been ended. and it may dc every 20mins just like that.

  3. Wish I had known this before investing so much time into my US char! :D


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