RaiderZ Stress Test Character Level 10 Complete
The Open Beta launch of RaiderZ starts next week but I was able to play the game this weekend and got one of my characters to Level 10. Unfortunately, my character will only remain in the server for a few days because everything will be wiped again in preparation for Open Beta.

What happened this weekend had nothing to do with the Close Beta Test of the game. It was simply a Stress Test. Obviously, the developer and publisher of RaiderZ are preparing themselves for the massive influx of players on the Open Beta launch of the game.
Why was is important to reach Level 10 in this Stress Test? The answer is very simple. You see, any player who reaches Level 10 with any of their characters will receive a Special Prize. I'm not sure what this Special Prize is but I was curious enough to play the game to find out.
Getting one of my characters to Level 10 was easy and it only took me a couple of hours. What I did was I went through all the quests that were available for my character. I didn't do any grinding to reach Level 10 because grinding wasn't giving my character enough experience points to make it worthwhile. Completing quests was the most effective way of getting the experience points needed to Level Up.

In this Stress Test, I created two characters. A Defender named Kabalyero and a Berzerker which is also named Kabalyero. Both were good character classes but I played the Defender more than the Berzerker because it had more defense related skills.
When Open Beta starts next week, my first character will also be a Defender and my second character will be a Berzerker. I'm still not sure which of them will act as my main character in the game. I like both character classes but I'm a little bit bias towards the Defender.
I think wielding a sword and a shield is more cool looking than wielding an oversized cooking knife.
Again, RaiderZ will launch its Open Beta next week. It's a monster-hunting fantasy-themed action mmorpg published by Perfect World Entertainment in North America. It's free-to-play which means you'll have no reason not to try it next week.
And since I'll be playing it, I'm always open to new friends in the game. Just add me as a friend in the game and I'll add you back as a friend as well. I'm also open to Guild Invites as long as the invites are coming from active and friendly Guilds.
For information, please visit the official website of RaiderZ.

What happened this weekend had nothing to do with the Close Beta Test of the game. It was simply a Stress Test. Obviously, the developer and publisher of RaiderZ are preparing themselves for the massive influx of players on the Open Beta launch of the game.
Why was is important to reach Level 10 in this Stress Test? The answer is very simple. You see, any player who reaches Level 10 with any of their characters will receive a Special Prize. I'm not sure what this Special Prize is but I was curious enough to play the game to find out.
Getting one of my characters to Level 10 was easy and it only took me a couple of hours. What I did was I went through all the quests that were available for my character. I didn't do any grinding to reach Level 10 because grinding wasn't giving my character enough experience points to make it worthwhile. Completing quests was the most effective way of getting the experience points needed to Level Up.

In this Stress Test, I created two characters. A Defender named Kabalyero and a Berzerker which is also named Kabalyero. Both were good character classes but I played the Defender more than the Berzerker because it had more defense related skills.
When Open Beta starts next week, my first character will also be a Defender and my second character will be a Berzerker. I'm still not sure which of them will act as my main character in the game. I like both character classes but I'm a little bit bias towards the Defender.
I think wielding a sword and a shield is more cool looking than wielding an oversized cooking knife.
Again, RaiderZ will launch its Open Beta next week. It's a monster-hunting fantasy-themed action mmorpg published by Perfect World Entertainment in North America. It's free-to-play which means you'll have no reason not to try it next week.
And since I'll be playing it, I'm always open to new friends in the game. Just add me as a friend in the game and I'll add you back as a friend as well. I'm also open to Guild Invites as long as the invites are coming from active and friendly Guilds.
For information, please visit the official website of RaiderZ.
FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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