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Trying One State RP: GTA-Like Mobile Game but Not As Fun!

Trying One State RP: GTA-Like Mobile Game but Not As Fun!

Gameplay Experience: Trying Out One State RP – A GTA-Like Mobile Game

I recently decided to try out a mobile game called One State RP, which is inspired by Grand Theft Auto. It looked like it could be a fun game, so I wanted to see if it could deliver the same experience as GTA Online. I played it on PC using Bluestacks, but I ran into several problems that made the experience frustrating.

First Impressions:

When I first started playing, I was excited because the game looked a lot like GTA Online. However, I quickly ran into an issue with the graphics. I set the game to low graphics to improve performance, but it felt strange that I could play GTA Online on high settings without any issues, yet One State RP didn’t run smoothly even on low graphics. The game looked blurry, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that the graphics were holding it back.

Starting the Game:

The tutorial was simple: drive a car, follow markers on the map, and complete basic tasks. The driving felt okay, but because of the low-quality graphics, it didn’t feel as fun as I expected. I followed the red markers to get to different places, but the blurry graphics made everything harder to enjoy.


In the first mission, “First Steps,” I had to drive a purple car to a location. The mission felt very similar to something you’d do in GTA Online, but the game didn’t get more exciting after that. The controls were another issue—I accidentally started punching by pressing the W key instead of driving. I had to go into the controls settings and change it to something that made more sense. Even after fixing the controls, it didn’t feel great.

As I completed missions, like upgrading cars and getting rewards, it still didn’t feel as exciting as GTA Online. I even got a free car after completing a mission, but it wasn’t as rewarding as I hoped. The game just didn’t have the same level of fun or excitement.

Frustrations and Technical Issues:

The biggest issue I had with the game was the controls. At one point, I crashed into a palm tree (not a pine tree like I thought), and my character got out of the car automatically. It was strange, and the game didn’t feel smooth. I also had to use a VPN to play the game since it wasn’t available in my region, which added more frustration.

Comparing to GTA:

By the end of the stream, I realized that One State RP just wasn’t as fun as GTA Online. Even though the game tried to copy some aspects of GTA, it didn’t have the same excitement. The controls and low graphics made the game feel clunky, and I wasn’t enjoying it like I do with GTA Online. Even though the characters in One State RP looked better than in GTA, the gameplay was a lot more boring.

Final Thoughts:

I ended the stream early because the game was making me sleepy! 😅 The low graphics, weird controls, and lack of excitement just didn’t make the game fun. I think I’ll stick with GTA Online for now—it’s way more exciting and enjoyable. If you want a GTA-like experience on mobile, One State RP might be worth a try, but don’t expect it to be as good as GTA Online.

Thanks for reading! If you liked my gameplay experience, check out my blog and follow me on X and Rumble for more updates and future gaming content!

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