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Soldier Of Freedom, A First Person Shooting Game

Soldier Of Freedom, A First Person Shooting Game

When our Freedom is threaten, a Soldier will rise to defend!

 As someone who enjoys playing computer / video games, I've always wanted to try making one but coding was never my thing until I came upon GameGuru Classic where you can make games without coding.

This game, which I called Soldier of Freedom, is my first attempt in making a game using GameGuru Classic. In other words, I'm learning GameGuru Classic while making this game. I have no idea where this journey will take me but I'm hoping at the end a game will come out of it.

P.S. Mostly, I have no idea what I'm doing. I just hope it works. >_<

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I'll make up something.


  • SOF v0.0.2
    • More stable version.
  • SOF v0.0.1
    • Added 1 mission.
    • Unreleased version due to crashing when installed.



Soldier Of Freedom, A First Person Shooting Game
Soldier Of Freedom, A First Person Shooting Game
Soldier Of Freedom, A First Person Shooting Game

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