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Richard Garriott Is Selling Virtual Real Estate Again

Richard Garriott Is Selling Virtual Real Estate Again

Did you know? Ultima creator, Richard Garriott, after selling real estate in his failed MMORPG, Shroud of the Avatar, is now selling real estate in the form of NFTs.

For those who don't know, the team behind the multi-million dollar kickstarter MMORPG that failed, Shroud of the Avatar, is back with  a new MMORPG, but this time, it's powered by the blockchain.

The new MMORPG is called, Iron and Magic, which means, give us your money and we give you bullcrap, and they're doing the same crap they did in Shroud of the Avatar, selling real-estate, but this time as NFTs.

Honestly, if people fell for this, and they lose money, then they can only blame themselves.

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