Casebook 1899 - The Leipzig Murders, Kickstarter Launched & Funded
Casebook 1899 - The Leipzig Murders is a pixel art styled adventure detective murder and mystery game rolled into one. Find clues, interrogate suspects and find the criminal. They had a kickstarter but it was funded in a flash. I guess, a lot of you want to play this game but you already can because there is a demo in Steam.
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Anyway, watch the video to learn more and if you have any comments, questions or reactions then post them in the comments section.
Press Release
Kickstarter Launch Today – Casebook 1899 - The Leipzig Murders
Casebook 1899 - The Leipzig Murders is an adventure game with unique gameplay mechanics. Control detective Joseph Kreiser, examine objects, question witnesses, and interrogate suspects.Combine the collected clues in the notebook and decide which clues will lead to the culprit in the "mind-palace-like" Logic sheet.
The Casebook 1899 - The Leipzig Murders Kickstarter will help the developer to get more investment to finish and cover the costs related to the production and development.
You can also experience the first of four cases to be solved by trying out a free-to-play Demo version of Casebook 1899 - The Leipzig Murders available for PC, Mac, and Linux via Steam.
FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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