EARTH 2 vs EARTH 3 - A World with 774 km by 774 km
EARTH 2 vs EARTH 3 - The challenge was to create a world with a size of 774,000 meters by 774,000 meters which was basically just a section of the Earth.
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A world with an area of 774 km by 774 km. I believe the are shown in the Earth 2 demo video was not that big but it was a square section. The edges of the map were visible.
The Earth 3 demo built in 7 days showed a larger section and, the claim was, it was the entire Earth. It was hard to judge on the video but the same was true with the Earth 2 demo.
Anyway, watch the video to learn more and if you have any comments, questions or reactions then post them in the comments section.
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