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UO Outlands Gameplay 2022 - Dye Tubs, Baking Bread and Mining Ores

UO Outlands Gameplay 2022 - Dye Tubs, Baking Bread and Mining Ores

In this UO Outlands gameplay, my avatar cooked  a bread, dyed some clothes and mined ores. I thought using dyes in the game was hard but it was not that hard. Cooking was a simple process too.

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I learned how to bake a bread in UO Outlands because I felt my avatar was tired of eating cheese all the time. Besides, bread plus cheese just made a lot of sense to me. 

The process of baking a bread was simple. I bought a rolling pin and used it on a lot of flour near fire and bread was made after so many attempts.

Anyway, watch my gameplay video to find out more.


UO Outlands is a free-to-play Ultima Online shard loosely set in the T2A era which launched in October of 2018. UO Outlands is a version of Ultima Online that enhances every aspect of gameplay, a shard which emulates how Ultima Online should have always been had it stayed the course. - UO Outlands Website (

Anyway, that's it for this gameplay and if you have any comments, questions, reactions or suggestion then post them in the comments section.




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