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Ironsmith Medieval Simulator - Played For 5 Minutes, At Most (Gaming)

Ironsmith Medieval Simulator - Played For 5 Minutes, At Most (Gaming)

Ironsmith Medieval Simulator - I was really happy when I got a Free Beta Key but my happiness lasted for only 5 minutes, at most.

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Ironsmith Medieval Simulator, as I've said in my earlier video, I got a Free Beta Key for the game. I claimed the game in Steam, downloaded, installed and played for only 5 minutes, at most.

Was the game bad? If not then why did I only played it for only 5 minutes, at most? I'm not going to put the blame the game. Instead, I'm going to put the blame on my computer.

The reason why I only played Ironsmith Medieval Simulator for only 5 minutes at most was this, the game performed really bad on my computer. Even after changing the game's graphics settings to medium, it was still bad.

Again, I'm not going to blame the game because I tried playing the game even though my computer did not meet the minimum system requirements. The game required at least a GTX 1060 video card but my computer only had a GTX 1050.

Anyway, I knew my computer was below the game's minimum system requirements but I still gave it a try because I thought it wouldn't matter much specially if I set the game's graphics settings to medium. I guess, I was wrong.

So guys, have any of you checked out Ironsmith Medieval Simulator in STEAM? Is it a game worth your time playing? Post you answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

Anyway, watch the video to learn more and if you have any comments, questions or reactions then post them in the comments section.




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