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EARTH 2 - A Freaking Genius Idea

EARTH 2 - A Freaking Genius Idea

EARTH 2 - Divide the Earth or Earth 1 into little squares and sell them online, that is Earth 2 in a nutshell. It's a freaking genius idea. LOL!

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Hey guys, just my quick thoughts on earth 2.

Those who thought of this idea of dividing the map of the Earth into little squares and selling them like they have value, are freaking geniuses not because they thought of the idea but because they convinced a lot of people to buy these little squares of the Earth.

After they sold all these little squares of the Earth, they can shut everything down, keep all the money and no one can do anything about it. Those who bought the little squares might cry in the internet but, as far as I know, crying never hurts anyone.

Anyway, watch the video to learn more and if you have any comments, questions or reactions then post them in the comments section.




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