UO Outlands Gameplay [011522-A] - Killed By A Player Killer
In this UO Outlands gameplay, my avatar was attacked by a criminal or player killer named Flavortown Fieri.
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When my Avatar was attacked by Flavortown Fieri, I was confident my Avatar could ran away from the player killer or criminal but I was wrong.
Flavortown Fieri casted a paralyzing spell that paralyzed my Avatar for a few seconds. These few seconds of paralysis was more than enough to kill my Avatar.
If you can't move then you'll die. It's a very simple yet very effective strategy / tactic. I'll need to find a way to counter paralysis or paralyzing skills.
Anyway, watch my gameplay video to find out more.
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Anyway, that's it for this gameplay and if you have any comments, questions, reactions or suggestion then post them in the comments section.
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