UO Outlands Gameplay [01/12/2022] - My Very High Ping + Cambrian Moongate Raffle + Mining
In this UO Outlands gameplay, I explained why I'm having a very high ping in UO Outlands. I also mentioned the Cambrian Moongate Home Raffle and how I can't find the NPC vendor that sells the ticket.
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UO Outlands is currently doing a raffle and the price for the raffle is a home or house next to a moongate in Cambria. The raffle is called the Cambrian Moongate Home Raffle.
To enter the raffle, I needed to buy tickets or at least one ticket but I couldn't even do that because I couldn't find the NPC that sells the raffle tickets in Prevalia.
The NPC vendor that sells the raffle tickets should be somewhere in Prevalia Bank but, because of the number of avatars lurking near and around the bank, I was having a hard time finding the NPC vendor.
My poor eyesight did not help me either. I'm sure the NPC vendor is there, I just couldn't find it but I'm going to keep trying.
Anyway, watch my gameplay video to find out more.
UO Outlands is a free-to-play Ultima Online shard loosely set in the T2A era which launched in October of 2018. UO Outlands is a version of Ultima Online that enhances every aspect of gameplay, a shard which emulates how Ultima Online should have always been had it stayed the course. - UO Outlands Website (https://uooutlands.com/)
Anyway, that's it for this gameplay and if you have any comments, questions, reactions or suggestion then post them in the comments section.
FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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