Fractured MMO To Fractured Online Now Published By GAMIGO (Gaming)
Fractured MMO ( is now called Fractured Online but according to the developer it's still the same game but with more support because of Gamigo publishing the game.
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Earlier today, I received an e-mail from Gamigo and it was about Fractured Online. It was basically just an e-mail with a big red Learn More button in it.
I did click on the big red Learn More button but I did not learn anything new from it because the big red Learn More button just took me to Fractured Online's official website.
Now, I did learn something new about Fractured Online. Although, it was already obvious from Gamigo's e-mail, it was confirmed by another e-mail but this e-mail was not from Gamigo but was from Fractured Online itself.
According to Fractured Online's e-mail, Gamigo is the company that will publish Fractured Online and everything will stay the same except maybe for the name because it had changed from Fractured MMO to Fractured Online.
Anyway, if you wish to learn more about Fractured Online then you're out of luck because I don't have a big red Learn More button for you but you could always use DuckDuckGo and search for Fractured Online.
So guys, what are your thoughts about Gamigo publishing Fractured Online? Was it a good thing or was it a bad thing? Post you answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
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