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Battle Steed Gunma, Early Access TPS Giant Robot Game (Gaming)

Battle Steed Gunma, Early Access TPS Giant Robot Game (Gaming)

I got an e-mail about a giant robot fighting game called Battle Steed Gunma. The game is still in Early Access and it's not free.

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I like robots, I like giant robots and I also like giant robots fighting and Battle Steed Gunma is that kind of game based on the information in the e-mail that I got and from the game's Steam Store Page.

Unfortunately, Battle Steed Gunma is NOT FREE and it's still in Early Access which means the game is still in development and not yet ready for commercial release.

When I saw the video of Battle Steed Gunma in the game's Steam Store Page, the game somewhat reminded me of another Giant Robot Fighting game called Hawken.

Anyway, what the video to learn more about Battle Steed Gunma. If you have any comments, questions or reactions then post them in the comments section.

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