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Are New World Players Going To Jumpship To Shroud of the Avatar? (Gaming / MMORPG)

Are New World Players Going To Jumpship To Shroud of the Avatar? (Gaming / MMORPG)

Well, it looks like Shroud of the Avatar is trying to appeal to bored New World players to jumpship by offering free items and experience points to help them get started.

You see, Shroud of the Avatar's recent e-mail did not only contain various sales offer like buying your own town and discounts, it also has an offer to those New World players who are already bored of the game, New World.

If they, referring to those bored New World players, will jumpship to Shroud of the Avatar then they will receive a welcome package that includes a pirate sword, tricorn hat, brass raven and an extra 500,000 XP in their pool to help them get going.

I played Shroud of the Avatar for over 10,000 hours and I've never gotten any of the items mentioned but bored New World players are going to get all of them for free if and only if they jumpship to Shroud of the Avatar.

Coincidentally, New World recently lost a good number of players. According to Steamcharts, New World peaked at over 913,000 players but, when I checked recently, it had over 137,000 players with a 24 hour peak of over 303,000 players.

That is a lot of players lost in just a month of operation but, still, it's way more than Shroud of the Avatar has ever gotten in its years of existence.

If just a very small fraction of those bored New World players would give Shroud of the Avatar a try then that would be a massive win but do they even know what Shroud of the Avatar is?

Anyway, if you are playing Shroud of the Avatar and you want to get those items in the welcome package then just a create a new free account using the link they provided in the e-mail. Although, the items are NON Tradeable. 

So guys, are any of you a bored New World player? If you are then are you going to give Shroud of the Avatar the light of day? Post your answers, as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

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