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Mir4 Pinoy Players, How To Create An Account In Biki! (Gaming / Play To Earn)

Mir4 Pinoy Players, How To Create An Account In Biki! (Gaming / Play To Earn)

As Mir4 players, we can earn Draco tokens by smelting Darksteel in Mir4 but, to change our Draco tokens into money like US Dollars, involves a lot of steps.

One of those steps involves using a cryptocurrency exchange and WeMix, the wallet that holds our Draco tokens, recommends Biki.

Creating an account in Biki is simple, all we have to do is register our phone numbers, add a password and that's it.

Unfortunately for us in the Philippines, Biki does not accept phone numbers from the Philippines when creating an account but it does accepts e-mail addresses.

Sounds great, right? Well, not quite because Biki does not accept Gmail addresses or e-mail addresses from other common e-mail address providers.

Fortunately for us Mir4 Philippine players, Biki accepts e-mail accounts from AOL Mail. So, all we have to do now is, go to AOL Mail, create a new e-mail address and use our new AOL e-mail address to create an account in Biki.

As you can see, I've already created a Biki account and I created it using my new AOL e-mail address. So, go to AOL Mail right now, create a new e-mail address and use it to create your Biki account.

So guys, besides Biki, do you know any other crypto exchanges we Mir4 Philippine players can use to cashout our earnings? Post your answers, as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

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