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Let's Play Marvel Strike Force 2021 [EP 1] WHERE IS THE GAME? 😲

Let's Play Marvel Strike Force 2021 [EP 1] WHERE IS THE GAME? 😲

Marvel Strike Force is a turn-based role-playing mobile game for Android and iOS platforms. Set in the Marvel Multiverse, the Marvel Strike Force universe is designated as Earth-TRN670.

In this Marvel Strike Force let's play / gameplay:

I got Spider-Man and SHIELD Medic as my starting heroes. It was followed by Luke Cage and the Punisher. Nick Furry was there but he was not a playable hero.

I went through the Daily Objectives and battled Mercenaries from another dimensions. Also battled corrupted heroes from other dimensions like Hawkeye, the Hulk, Iron Man and others.

After the stream, I realized the game was not shown in stream. It was shown on my screen but did not appear in my stream.

Marvel Strike Force is free. Free to download, install and play. Get Marvel Strike Force from GooglePlay and Apple AppStore. Also, you can play Marvel Strike Force on your PC using an Android Emulator. Download to play on your PC (

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