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Mining Mission! Carbonic Ores! Vendetta Online Mobile Gameplay

Mining Mission! Carbonic Ores! Vendetta Online Mobile Gameplay

My PC broke! Streaming games on a phone, trying to raise funds for a new PC and you can help by simply trying out WTFAST. Download for free ( THANK YOU!

0:30 - Accepted a mining mission to mine carbonic ores, launched out of the station, mined the nearest asteroid and returned back to the station.

I repeated the process until I completed the mining mission. I was rewarded with 30,000 credits for completing the mining mission.

Vendetta Online Mobile is the mobile version of Vendetta Online and players are all playing in the same server.

This gameplay video or gaming video was livestreamed to multiple livestreaming websites like Youtube, DLive, Trovo, Twitch and others using Restream (

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