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ROBA’s Closed Beta Test #1 is coming this Q4 of 2020

ROBA’s Closed Beta Test #1 is coming this Q4 of 2020.

Stay Tuned! ROBA’s CBT#1 is Coming Soon!

Adventurers will be able to test and experience the Battle Academy in CBT #1 soon.

Last year, Electronics Extreme Limited and Gravity announced the newest Ragnarok game title, one of the well-known and successful games in the world. The new title is a combination of the Battle Royale and RPG genres, taking the best of both worlds and combining it with elements from the game that were part of everyone’s childhood. It garnered positive responses and high hopes from the RO and gaming community, having them looking forward to the new title and game play. Now, the wait is soon to be over as Ragnarok: Battle Academy (ROBA) Closed Beta Test #1 date is fast approaching.

Extreme Studio, the developer of ROBA has given quite a few insider information to the public through their website. The creative process and its concept arts are all shared to the blog which indicated a sneak peek regarding the origin of the game and what it has to offer.

To get more insights about ROBA, visit the Developer’s Blog through this link:

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