This Channel is NOT a Threat to other SL Wrestling Channels!

For those who don't know, thumbnails for my recent DCWF videos were taken down by YouTube. I believed that there was a group of people out there who were flagging and reporting my videos, specifically my DCWF thumbnails.
If you look at my DCWF thumbnails for my DCWF videos in this channel then you'll see that there is absolutely nothing wrong with them. My DCWF thumbnails are just DCWF wrestlers in their wrestling gear.
So, why did these people wasted their time reporting or flagging my DCWF videos specifically my thumbnails? I have no freaking idea why but what these people did caused me a lot of unnecessary grief.
Honestly, if you look at my DCWF videos in this channel then you'll see that the videos are NOT getting a lot of views. In fact, DCWF videos from other channels that are uploading DCWF videos are getting more views.
So, what does this all mean? Well, it simply means that this channel is NOT a threat to other channels that are uploading DCWF videos because this is a very TINY channel that only gets very few views.
Other channels uploading DCWF videos are more popular and get more views than this channel. So please, leave my small channel alone. Thank you.
FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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