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RWA HAILSTORM (12/7/2019) • Pro-Wrestling in Second Life • FULL SHOW

RWA HAILSTORM (12/7/2019) • Pro-Wrestling in Second Life • FULL SHOW

RWA HAILSTORM (12.7.2019) Matches
• Sandman vs Michael Ramsay
• Bert "Turbo" O'neal vs TJ Aquilius
• GOD vs Stone
• Malaki vs Pasa Lopez

• Adam Smith (RWA Referee)
• Henry Parker (RWA Wrestler / Commentator)

RWA HAILSTORM is a #SecondLifeWrestling show presented by Rogue Wrestling Alliance or RWA in the virtual world of Second Life and it happens every Saturday at 5 PM SLT (Second Life Time).

Watch RWA LIVE in-world or in Second Life for a much better Second Life #Wrestling experience. Use this link to teleport to RWA's venue / arena in Second Life (

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Join #SecondLife for FREE ( A virtual world where the only limit is your creativity and imagination. If you can imagine it then you can create it and it can be YOU in Second Life.

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

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