17 Beetle Carapaces in 1-HOUR (WTS Gothic Inn Village Home) • Shroud of the Avatar 2019
Harvested 17 Beetle Carapaces in 1 hour in Shroud of the Avatar, a free-to-play MMORPG and supposedly a spiritual successor to Richard Garriott's ULTIMA series of games. Also, selling or WTS a Gothic Inn Village Home (see listing at http://shop.kabalyero.info).
Why harvest or gather Beetle Carapaces? Beetle Carapaces are used in crafting a special kind of light armor. It makes them a lot better than normal light armor and crafters are currently paying a good price for Beetle Carapaces.
► About Shroud of the Avatar
Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues is a fantasy RPG that combines a single player narrative with a sandbox MMO created by a team that includes: Richard “Lord British” Garriott the creator of the Ultima series, Starr Long the Director of Ultima Online, and Tracy Hickman the author of Dragonlance.
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