8 BEETLE CARAPACE (Hour 1 / Nov. 19, 2019) Shroud of the Avatar Gameplay

Gathered a total of 8 Beetle Carapaces in 1 hour of running around in the woods in Shroud of the Avatar. Well, I wasn't just running around. I was also fighting wolves, bears and ebon cultists. I was also chopping down trees and, of course, harvesting cotton from cotton plants.
• Listen to Explore/Create: My Life in Pursuit of New Frontiers, Hidden Worlds, and the Creative Spark by Richard Garriott, David Fisher for FREE (https://go.magik.ly/ml/rfl0/)
Gathering or harvesting or collecting 8 Beetle Carapaces in 1 hour is within my hourly average of 8 to 10 Beetle Carapaces an hour. Sometimes I get more Beetle Carapaces and sometimes I get less Beetle Carapaces but on average, I think it's around 8 to 10 Beetle Carapaces an hour.
SHROUD OF THE AVATAR: FORSAKEN VIRTUES is a multiplayer fantasy RPG that sets the player on a path filled with peril and tough choices as they explore a persistent realm that can be shared with other Avatars. It is the spiritual successor to Richard Garriott's Ultima games.
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