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Legends of Aria going Free-To-Play! I want my MONEY BACK! • Legends of Aria News

Legends of Aria going Free-To-Play! I want my MONEY BACK! • Legends of Aria News

Legends of Aria, the Ultima inspired sandbox mmorpg also formerly known as Shards Online, is going Free-To-Play this November 2019 and I want my money back.

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The Twitter account of Legends of Aria made a tweet or post saying and I quote, "Legends of Aria is going free to play next month as they return to their hardcore PvP roots with a new update called New Dawn".

Legends of Aria is going free to play next month as they return to their hardcore PvP roots with a new update called New Dawn.

I bought a copy of Legends of Aria when it launched in Steam last August and that was a couple of months ago. If I have known that it would go Free-To-Play just two months after then I would have never bought it.

This is like Shroud of the Avatar all over again and, coincidentally or not, both were once touted as Spiritual Successor to Ultima Online but, as everyone knows, Ultima Online is still alive and it's still a subscription based MMORPG.

According to the Press Release posted at MMOGames, Legends of Aria will also have a new update called New Dawn and will feature Hardcore PvP.

Legends of Aria will also have a new update called New Dawn and will feature Hardcore PvP.

New Dawn will also bring back the Wilderness, make changes to Warriors and Militias, players becoming citizens of towns with Township feature, the addition of stealing and snooping, new quests and mission, new episodic content and bug fixes.

As someone who is not really making any money doing these videos, I feel I wasted a few dollars when I bought Legends of Aria a couple of months ago but I digress.

Legends of Aria's change to Free-To-Play will, surely, bring in new players who will give the game a try and, if the game is lucky, these new players will hopefully like the game enough to stay and continue playing just like with Shroud of the Avatar.

So guys, are you looking forward to Legends of Aria's upcoming New Dawn update? How do you feel about Legends of Aria going Free-To-Play? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

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