Is Portalarium Out of Business? Seedinvest Frustrated • Shroud of the Avatar News
One of my previous videos was about Portalarium Not Going Bankrupt as mentioned by Richard Garriott to Duke Ezekiel Cooper of Britannian Mining Company in Shroud of the Avatar.
Portalarium is not going bankrupt yet but is it still in business? Not according to what was posted in the forums and I quote, "just received a message from SeedInvest that thier understanding is portal or Portalarium is out of business".
That was what Seedinvest said when it was contacted by Shroud of the Avatar players and it was also mentioned and I quote, "they are frustrated with the situation as well".
Also, it was mentioned that Seedinvest and I quote, "was unable to reach anyone at Portalarium". My guess is, that frustrated Seedinvest even more.
Anyway guys, if you wish to learn more or participate in the discussion then check out the thread in the official Shroud of the Avatar forum. (
So guys, is Portalarium really out of business? Did you give Portalarium more money through Seedinvest? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
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