Hentai Arena Battle Royale, The Battle Royale Game to Rule Them All

Battle Royale Games are everywhere and the two most popular ones are Fortnite and PUBG. Well, I think they are still the most popular ones, right? Anyway, here a new Battle Royale game that will rule them all and it's called Hentai Arena Battle Royale.
So, I learned about Hentai Arena Battle Royale from the publisher of the game. I received an e-mail from Amag Swag saying something like,
"Hentai Girls participating in an absolutely massive multiplayer battle, cool elements of classic survival and - on top of all of that goodness - open-like beautiful anime world exploration."
Of course, the e-mail was a bit longer and it also had a link to it's Steam Store Page where the game, Hentai Arena Battle Royale, had a couple of videos to watch and a few screenshots to look at.
Also, it already has a few hundred reviews in Steam with an over-all review rating of Mostly Positive. Here are some of the positive reviews posted about Hentai Arena Battle Royale.
"This is.. a masterpiece. (´。• ᵕ •。`)
It exceeded all of my expectations."
"Best battle royal out there. Fortnite better look out!"
"I could be the next Ninja™ for this Battle Royale"
"Hentai Arena | Battle Royale is a masterpiece that deserves every bit of a 10/10 rating."
Hey, if those positive reviews are not enough to convince you to check out Hentai Arena Battle Royale then maybe the price of the game will. You see, it will only cost you $1 US Dollar to get the game if you are in the US.
Anyway, as for me, I haven't gotten the game yet because my PayPal account is totally tapped out and I'm not even sure if I'm going to get it. I'm having second thoughts now.
So guys, have you checked out Hentai Arena Battle Royale? Is it something you would want to play? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
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