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Release 70 Livestream, Spooky! Spooky! Spooky! | Shroud of the Avatar News

Release 70 Livestream, Spooky! Spooky! Spooky! | Shroud of the Avatar News

Spooky, spooky, spooky! Shroud of the Avatar's Release 70 Livestream is a 2 hour livestream and it will be spooky, spooky, spooky. Honestly, I don't really know why I repeated spooky 3 times, twice.

The 2 hour Release 70 Livestream will showcase Spooky things like the Pumpkin Head (spooky), Nightmares (spooky), Spooky Clothes (spooky) and Decorations (spooky).

The Spook Masters will also talk about a kickstarter called Through the Moongate Part II and they will have a special guest star named Rustic Dragon who will make an appearance through the moongate.

In the last part of the livestream, they will have a scene tour of Ulfheim and Tartarus. Prices will be given away every hour so create those free accounts now to get more chances of winning something.

Of course, for more details, check out the Release 70 Livestream post in the official Shroud of the Avatar forum. (

So guys, have you created those extra free accounts for the hourly giveaway? How many did you create? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

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