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POT Governors Changing Town Water Type Is Coming | Shroud of the Avatar News

POT Governors Changing Town Water Type Is Coming | Shroud of the Avatar News

According to a Shroud of the Avatar developer, Governors of Player Owned Towns will soon have the ability to change the Water Type of their towns to any of the three Water Types using a Fishing Decoration.

What the Governors have to do is simply place this Fishing Decoration in their Player Owned Towns and it will let them change the Water Type of their towns to either Salt Water, Fetid Water or Fresh Water.

Interested Governors will have a chance to test this new feature in the next or upcoming QA build. So, if you are a Governor with a Player Owned Town in Shroud of the Avatar and you would like to give this new feature a run then simply login to Shroud of the Avatar's QA server.

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