Players Muting Players Secretly, Chosen By Devs | Shroud of the Avatar News
Annoying, irritating, trolling and spamming players beware. Your days are numbered because Chosen Ones will have the power to silence and take away your voice in in-game chat. Watch what you say or be muted for 24 hours.
According to a Shroud of the Avatar developer, instead of having GMs or Moderators in-game, they will grant special muting powers to a few Chosen Players soon to be known as the Chosen Ones.
These Chosen Ones are secret, they are unknown, they are anonymous. Only the developers will know who they are. They are like the Secret Moderators in the official Shroud of the Avatar forum.
They can silence you, take away your voice or mute you for 24 hours and you wouldn't know who they are or who did it to you or even why you were muted or silenced.
Well, I'm being a little over dramatic but I'm sure players are already used to being silenced. Remember, there was a review in Steam that suddenly went away. Compared to that, this is nothing.
So guys, will the powers of the Chosen Ones create more drama in-game? Will the Chosen Ones abuse their silencing powers? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
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