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$25 US Dollar Sharks in Elad's Lighthouse | Shroud of the Avatar News

$25 US Dollar Sharks in Elad's Lighthouse | Shroud of the Avatar News

2500 COTOs is almost like $25 US Dollars. That's like $25 US Dollars for a Shark and all you have to do is catch one. Is that amazing or is that amazing?

According to a post in the Official Shroud of the Avatar forum, an Avatar is willing to pay anyone as much as 2500 COTOs for catching a Large Shark in Elad's Lighthouse.

$25 US Dollar Sharks in Elad's Lighthouse | Shroud of the Avatar News

That's not all, the same Avatar will pay 1500 COTOs for a Regular Shark and 1000 COTOs for a Small Shark. He will also pay 1500 COTOS for a Large Marlin, Large Sailfish or Large Swordfish and 1000 COTOs for any size Sturgeon caught in the dungeons at Elad's Lighthouse.

Seriously, that is a lot of COTOs and all you have to do is fish for Sharks and other fishes in Elad's Lighthouse. For more information, read the Post in the Official Shroud of the Avatar forum.

So guys, have any of you tried fishing for Sharks in Elad's Lighthouse? How many did you catch and did you earned COTOs from it? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.

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