Apex Legends Lag, How To Change Server To Fix Lag

Just like with any other games that are played online, extremely bad lag and connection problems can ruin your gaming experience and this can also happen in Apex Legends.
Apex Legends Lag is a real thing. It's not a myth and it's totally not fiction. If you're lagging really bad in Apex Legends then you can try fixing it by simply changing to another server.
According to Sportskeeda and I quote, "Reddit user u/SuperWeeble has found a way to manually choose server/data centre which helps you to reduce server issues and lag. This method can be used in any platform, with just a change of keys."
To change server for PS4 User / Xbox One Users
Open the game and wait for two minutes on the title screen.
Enter accessibility settings
After that exit and press R3/right analog stick.
For PC Users
Start the game and wait for 60 seconds upon startup.
Press the escape button.
Then cancel, at the bottom of the screen, you can see the data centers.
Click and view the list
Of course, you will need to select the data center with the lowest ping and, hopefully, after all that you can now play Apex Legends without any network or lag issues.
Now, if you're still lagging badly after changing or switching Apex Legends servers then why not try using WTFast. Just download, install and use WTFast for free for a few days with its Free Trial and, hopefully, it will work for you.
So guys, did changing Apex Legends server eliminated your lag in the game? If not then did you try using WTFast? Post your answers as well as your comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
Want to see more? Help support the channel by downloading WTFast FREE (http://bit.ly/trywtfast) or by starting your 30-days FREE Trial of TWITCH PRIME (https://amzn.to/2E2QVl9) or by using the amazing BRAVE Browser (https://brave.com/the672)!
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