Sins of the Solar Empire: REBELLION & Geneshift! Got Them For FREE!

Sins of the Solar Empire: REBELLION & Geneshift! Got Them For FREE!
Sins of the Solar Empire: REBELLION & Geneshift! I got the two games for free in STEAM and you can get them too!When I logged-in to my Steam account today, I got an Advertisement that said the game, Sins of the Solar Empire: Rebellion, was FREE for 48 hours.
I don't know anything about the game, Sins of the Solar Empire: Rebellion but I still got it and added it to my Steam Library for FREE!
I also learned that the game, Geneshift, was also FREE for 48 hours and I added that too to my Steam Library for FREE!
Anyway, I grabbed both games and added them to my Steam Library even though I'm not going to play them yet. LOL!
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