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Legends Of Aria STEAM Launch Delayed, No Game For Me Today!

No Legends Of Aria For Me Today, STEAM Launch Delayed • The Kabalyero Show

No Legends of Aria for me today because the STEAM Launch of the game was delayed until January 2019.

I was looking forward to the Early Access STEAM Launch of Legends of Aria today but it didn't happen.

The developers of Legends of Aria decided to delay the launch of the game until early next year.

According to the information in STEAM, Legends of Aria will launch in STEAM on January 8, 2019.

I was waiting for the STEAM launch of Legends of Aria to buy the game using my local currency to save a few dollars.

I do have enough money in my PayPal account to buy Legends of Aria from its website but I want to be practical and save a few bucks for other games.

Of course, if you have a lot of cash to spend then you don't have to wait for the STEAM launch of Legends of Aria.

Just go and buy Legends of Aria NOW from its official website and start playing immediately.

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