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Extopia is Playpark's newest game. It's a Battleroyale Third-Person Shooting game like PUBG but with building elements like Fortnite and it's Free-To-Play.

Currently, Extopia is in it's Second Alpha Testing period. It's started on August 28, 2018 and it will end on September 6, 2018.

During this Second Alpha Testing period, livestreaming Extopia will give you a chance of winning some CASH and all you have to do is post the link to your Extopia livestream in Extopia's Facebook Group.

Based on the information that I got from Playpark and I quote...

Everyone who streams EXTOPIA during this period is eligible to win CASH PRIZES! Whomever gets the most number of VIEWS and highest PEAK VIEWERS will win the top prizes.

Most Views: 10,000Php
2nd runner up: 5,000Php
3rd runner up: 1,000Php

Most Peak Viewers: 10,000Php
2nd runner up: 5,000Php
3rd runner up: 1,000Php

On your stream, use the official hashtag #PlayPark_Extopia. Join our facebook group and post your EXTOPIA streaming link. You may also comment your stream's peak viewers screenshot on your post.

... end quote!

Anyway, if you are a livestreamer and you are interested in winning some cash then go and get your Extopia Alpha Key from Extopia's website, download the game, install it, play it, livestream it and post it or share it in Extopia's Facebook Group.

That's it for this video and if you have any comments, questions or reactions then please post them in the comments section below.

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

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