Where To Find The New Crown Merchants Automatons?
Where To Find The New Crown Merchants Automatons?
There are two types of Crown Merchant Automatons. The first type sells Decorations, Houses and Deeds and the second type sells personal items like clothes, weapons and armor.You will find these Crown Merchant Automatons here in Ardoris as well as in Resolute, Aerie, Central Brittany and Owl's Head.
Here in Ardoris, you'll find the Crown Merchant Automatons right next to Oracle Confirmatory and Crafting Pavillion.
In Resolute, you'll find the new Crown Merchant Automatons just behind the Market Area and to left side of the Crafting Pavillion if you are facing South.
In Aerie, you'll find the two new Crown Merchant Automatons right next to the Magic Shop.
In Central Brittany, the Crown Merchant Automatons are located near the docks, right beside the Titan of Truth.
Finally, in Owl's Head, you'll find the new Crown Merchant Automatons next to the Crafting Pavillion and Public Vendor.
Now that you know where all the new Crown Merchant Automatons are located, all you have to do is buy some Gold Crown of the Obsidians and start shopping for Add-On Store items in-game.
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