Beran's Reach (12/3/2017) Checking Back After 2 Months • Shroud Of The Avatar Market Watch

Beran's Reach (12/3/2017) Checking Back After 2 Months • Shroud Of The Avatar Market Watch
After more or less 2 months, I went back to the player owned town of Beran's Reach to check out the town's player vendors and to see what these player vendors are selling.Beran's Reach is located north of Central Brittany and it's between to forest, the West Sanctus Forest and the East Sanctus Forest. It's also a very cold looking town because it uses the Snowy Mountains Biome.
Currently, Beran's Reach has a different layout from the last time I visited. From the brief information that I got, the town is undergoing some changes and I don't think it's finished yet.
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When I was there running around town and looking for player vendors, I found, at least, 8 player vendors (that has something to sell and I ignored player vendors that were empty).
The 8 player vendors are the following:
• 6:54 - Gravidy's Greeneries
• 8:59 - Wilhelm's Fine Furnishings
• 10:05 - Ranger's Rest Read the Papers
• 10:25 - Anosa's Adventure Mart
• 10:41 - Cornelius Xaan
• 13:30 - Brother Rick
• 14:42 - EVL Trade Embassy
• 15:40 - Beran's Reach Market Vendor
You will learn what these player vendors are selling by simply watching the video below. As always, you can use the time stamp to navigate through the video and find the player vendors faster.
Right now, most Avatars are putting out player vendors in player owned towns around Central Brittany like New Britannian Market, Novia Market, Ordinis Mortis and others.
But, if you wish to expand north of Novia, Beran's Reach has a lot of available Row Lots/Houses that you can claim as player vendor spots.
Honestly, if I had an extra POT Row Lot Deed then I would had claimed an available Row Lot/House near the entrance but, sadly, I'm out of deeds and I'm not getting lucky in the Raffles.
Anyway, check out Beran's Reach, claim an available lot, put out a player vendor and start selling or do some shopping instead.
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