How To Get The Meretz Wellness Cloak In Shroud Of The Avatar • The Kabalyero Show

How To Get The Meretz Wellness Cloak In Shroud Of The Avatar • The Kabalyero Show
The Meretz Wellness Cloak is a new Reward Item in Shroud of the Avatar and you'll get this Reward Item by installing the Meretz Mobile App, creating a new Meretz account and connecting it to your Shroud of the Avatar account.Simple? Yes it is and here is how. After installing the Meretz Mobile App in your mobile phone, I suggest you open the Meretz website in your web browser and click on the Login button.

On the Login Page, simply enter your newly created Meretz account login information to login. Remember, you can only create a new Meretz account from the Meretz Mobile App.

Logging in will take you to the Meretz Dashboard and, from the dashboard, click on the Add Items to Dashboard. This will open up a list of all the items you can add to your Meretz Dashboard.

From the list of items, scroll down and look for Shroud of the Avatar. The list is sorted in alphabetical order, so, you'll find Shroud of the Avatar near the bottom of the list.

When you find Shroud of the Avatar, simply click on the orange Connect button and, on the Game Connection pop-up window, click on the orange Continue button.

The Game Connection window will now ask you to connect your Shroud of the Avatar account to Meretz by simply logging into your Shroud of the Avatar account.

If the connection is successful then you'll see a message saying "Connected! Your Meretz account is successfully connected to Shroud of the Avatar.

To check if you got the Meretz Wellness Cloak, login to your Shroud of the Avatar account and open your Add-On tab. You will see the Meretz Wellness Cloak listed at the bottom.

You can also check in-game by going to the nearest Banker NPC and claiming new rewards. If you don't see your Meretz Wellness Cloak in your account then don't hesitate to contact Portalarium.

Anyway, that's how I claimed my Meretz Wellness Cloak in Shroud of the Avatar and, fortunately, I did not encounter any problems connecting my Shroud of the Avatar account to Meretz and claiming the Meretz Wellness Cloak.

So guys, have you claimed your Meretz Wellness Cloak and what can you say about it? Post your answers, comments, questions or reactions in the comments section below.
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