Superfish Rainbow Theme Location Pack Missing ATMs • In Second Life

Superfish Rainbow Theme Location Pack Missing ATMs
A few days ago, I bought the Superfish Rainbow Theme Location Pack for my small fishing area in Second Life. Unfortunately, it was missing the ATMs.
As you can see from the picture on the Superfish Vendor, the picture of the Rainbow Theme Location Pack has two ATMs on it and it cost 100 Linden Dollars.

In the next picture, you'll see my inventory and it shows the Rainbow Theme Location Pack folder. You'll noticed that its missing the two ATMs shown in the Superfish Vendor.
Now, the only reason why I bought the Rainbow Theme Location Pack is the two ATMs shown in the pictured displayed on the Superfish Vendor.
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Sadly, these two ATMs were not in the package and, that means, the picture for the Rainbow Theme Location Pack is wrongly advertising the content of the pack.
Anyway, it only cost me 100 Linden Dollars but I do hope the creator of Superfish will correct or change the picture to properly reflect what the Rainbow Theme Location Pack contains.
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