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Shroud Of The Avatar Release 45 Postmortem Mini-Telethon Raised 52,000 USD

Shroud Of The Avatar Release 45 Postmortem Mini-Telethon Raised 52,000 USD

Shroud of the Avatar is currently my number one game right now. It's the only game that I play every freaking day and they just did another Monthly Mini-Telethon.

These Monthly Mini-Telethons are basically a combination of Shroud of the Avatar's Quarterly Telethons and Monthly Postmortems. It started last month where they raised a total of 67,500 US Dollars with all Stretch Goal Rewards achieved.

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In the recently concluded Release 45 Postmortem Mini-Telethon, Shroud of the Avatar or Portalarium only raised 52,000 US Dollars. As you can see, it's 15,500 US Dollars less of what they raised in last month's Release 44 Postmortem Mini-Telethon.

Also, not all of the Stretch Goal Rewards were reached. The Shroud of the Avatar Community failed to unlock the Virtue Lederhosen and Virtue Flaming Tuba stretch goal rewards.

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In any case, raising 52,000 US Dollars in just 4 hours is still pretty amazing. So, congratulations to Portalarium for having another successful telethon and, also, congratulations to everyone who spent at least 5 US Dollars for unlocking 4 of the stretch goal rewards.

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