Shroud of the Avatar, Bought Another Copy For Only $3.05 USD
Shroud of the Avatar, Bought Another Copy For Only $3.05 USD
In my previous blog post about Shroud of the Avatar, I shared to you guys that you can buy Shroud of the Avatar for less than $4 US dollars.I'm sure many of you were very skeptic about it and, because of that, I decided to buy another copy for myself for only $3.05 US dollars.
I didn't bought it immediately when I created my last blog post about it because, back then, I don't have any funds in my PayPal account but, after a couple of transactions, my PayPal balance increased and that allowed me to buy another copy of Shroud of the Avatar.
So, after paying a total of $3.58 US dollars (fees included) with PayPal, it only took the selling website a couple of minutes to give me my new Shroud of the Avatar STEAM Key.
To activate my new Shroud of the Avatar Steam Key, I had to create a new Steam Account because I don't think you can have two copies of the same Steam game in one Steam account.
In any case, the activation process was successful and now I have another copy of Shroud of the Avatar in another or separate Steam account.
Unfortunately, I have not yet played nor have I created a new Avatar in this new copy of the game but I've already connected it to Shroud of the Avatar's official website.
Connecting it to the official website would allow me to buy items or bundles from the Add-On store. It also gave me a new forum account but I don't think I'm going to use it. I'm going to stick with my main account when it comes to the forums.
Anyway guys, this is a great opportunity to buy Shroud of the Avatar way below its regular retail price. It will also give you the opportunity to try the game with no limitations or restrictions at a very reasonable price.
• Click here to buy Shroud of the Avatar for less than $4 USD
FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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