Obsidian Village Inn Is Coming, Norgard Citizens, Tree Creature and Lord British Moondial

Obsidian Village Inn Is Comming, Norgard Citizens, Tree Creature and Lord British Moondial
Currently, I'm here in Spectral Mines because I'm currently mining for Iron Ores but that is not why I'm doing this blog post.I'm doing this blog post because a new type of Inn is coming to Shroud of the Avatar and that is the Obsidian Village Inn. Right now, we have two types of Inns and these are the Wood and Plaster Village Inn and the Viking Village Inn.
Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of the Obsidian Village Inn because it's not yet in the game. I only learned about it from Darkstarr's post in the forums under the Standup Corner thread.
In that post, it says Bob the Builder is working on an Obsidian Village Home. Also, Master Fletcher is working on Norgard Citizens and Kevin Wells is working on a Tree Creature.
The other Artists (Matt, Reid and Scott) are working on a Flower Wand Magic Trick Animation, Antique Furniture and Pirate Town Galleon and Lord British Moondial.
Obviously, these are all great items but I'm really looking forward to that Obsidian Village Inn. If that looks better than the Viking Village Inn then I might just save money to buy it.
I already have the Viking Village Inn on my village lot in Beregost thanks to Time Lord but I have another village lot in Aldwater that is perfect for this Obsidian Village Inn.
Now, if the Obsidian Village Inn doesn't look that good then I will simply wait for the next one and I hope that the next one is the Shogun Village Inn.
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