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Ragnarok Online Philippines Is BACK? Close Beta June 20, 2017

Ragnarok Online Philippines Is BACK? Close Beta June 20, 2017

Ragnarok Online Philippines is BACK? WHAT??? I forgot where I read the news about it but I did check the website and the news about Ragnarok Online back in the Philippines was actually true.

In fact, the returning Ragnarok Online Philippines will have a Close Beta Test this coming June 20, 2017. To participate in this Close Beta Test, you'll need to create a Free Account, Download and Install the game and wait for the Close Beta server to open.

Now, the last time I played Ragnarok Online Philippines was like 13 years ago, I think. I played it everyday for two years but quit because the game was eventually taken over by botters.

Hopefully, the returning Ragnarok Online Philippines will not have a botting problem like before because no one likes to play with bots. I don't like playing with bots. I like playing with other human players.

Anyway, to learn more about Ragnarok Online Philippines, create an account and download the game, simply go to its official website at

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