Port Phoenix, 22 Player Vendors Checked (5/15/2017) 💰 Shroud of the Avatar Market Watch

The last time I was in Port Phoenix, I delivered 100 Beetle Carapaces to a fellow Avatar. This time I was in Port Phoenix to check out the town's player vendors to see what the residents of Port Phoenix were selling.
As I run around the player owned town of Port Phoenix, I was able to find and check 22 player vendors. Now, if I missed any player vendors then please don't hate me for missing them.
Watch the video below to see all the player vendors that I found and checked. If you find something good to buy then all you have to do is drop by Port Phoenix which is located in the Elysium Region, south of Novia.
Port Phoenix, 22 Player Vendors Checked (5/15/2017) 💰 Shroud of the Avatar Market Watch
In this Shroud of the Avatar gameplay video, I was in the player owned town of Port Phoenix where I was able to check at least 22 player vendors. (Remove lag in Shroud of the Avatar → http://bit.ly/getwtfast)► Player Vendors (22)
(Use the Time Stamp to quickly jump to each Player Vendor. It will save you from watching me blabber about nonsense. LOL!)
6:15 - A Bolt from the Blue
7:00 - Republic Sign and Light
9:25 - Port Customs and Exports
10:45 - Port Phoenix Imprint
12:35 - Desirables
15:15 - Charles Miser 1
16:20 - Deco Diva Creations
22:10 - Galiwyns Discounts
26:15 - Seth's Emporium of Everything
28:15 - Port Phoenix Equipment
32:20 - Concierge Cynyr
32:55 - Armagedon's Wares
33:05 - EVL Trade Embassy
34:30 - Lace's Frugal Gear
35:50 - Collimor Wands and Scrolls
36:15 - Algora Big and Tall
37:40 - Vooch's Sweet Deals
38:55 - Scrolls and Fast Food
39:40 - LLTS Pledge x Bundle x Addon
41:05 - Come Get It
42:00 - LoT Crafted and Rare
43:25 - Elbyon the Ranger of Kahli
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• Buy Shroud of the Avatar Items → http://bit.ly/2qEa8QB
• My Vendor In Aldwater → https://goo.gl/1HZdF5
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• Visit Shroud of the Avatar Wiki → http://sotawiki.net/
• See the Map of Novia → http://sotamap.com
► About Shroud of the Avatar
Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues is a fantasy RPG that combines a single player narrative with a sandbox MMO created by a team that includes: Richard “Lord British” Garriott the creator of the Ultima series, Starr Long the Director of Ultima Online, and Tracy Hickman the author of Dragonlance.
► Music
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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► My 6 Year Old Gaming Rig
Processor: AMD Phenom II X6 1055T
Video Card: AMD Radeon HD 5700
Mouse: Razer Deathadder (http://go.magik.ly/ml/19bx/)
Speakers: Creative SBS A50 (http://go.magik.ly/ml/19by/)
Keyboard: A4Tech KBS-720
Headset: E-Wave A30
► My Internet Access
Provider: PLDT
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FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
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