Beregost, A Great Location For Your Home And Vendor 🏠 Shroud Of The Avatar Player Owned Town
Beregost, A Great Location For Your Home And Vendor 🏠 Shroud Of The Avatar Player Owned Town
If you guys are playing Shroud of the Avatar and you are looking for a great location for your home and vendor then I suggest that you guys check out Beregost in Hidden Vale.Beregost is a small Player Owned Town governed by Holdingrass Plumber and it has a great location because it's just outside of Kingsport. Every Avatar coming from Novia, Owl's Head, Braemar, Littlecreek and any town in Hidden Vale will pass through or near Beregost.
Inside the town of Beregost, you'll find that almost every lots are right smack near the entrance. In fact, my home in Beregost is just on the right side of the big Dragon and it's only a few seconds away from the town entrance.
Currently, there are only a few available lots in Beregost but you can always contact the Governor, who is very friendly and accommodating, and request for a Lot Marker placed on the space you like.
If you only want a Row Home then there are at least 4 available Row Homes that you can immediately claim and all these Row Homes are within site of the entrance which makes them a good place to put up a vendor.
Anyway guys, to make this story even shorter, simply head on over to Beregost in Hidden Vale and check it out. If you like what you see then why not claim a lot or request the Governor to place one for you.
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