Shroud Of The Avatar Market Watch 💰 COTOs @ 1990, Brittany Alleys Player Vendors (12/31/2016)

Going through the Player Vendors of Brittany Alleys is kinda hard because this NPC Town is always very, very laggy for me. Regardless of the lag, I still went through them and even bought some COTOs for only 1990 Gold a piece.
If you wish to see what other items are on sale by Avatars in their Player Vendors in Brittany Alleys without actually going there then simply watch the laggy video below. Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha
Shroud Of The Avatar Market Watch 💰 COTOs @ 1990, Brittany Alleys Player Vendors (12/31/2016)
In this Shroud of the Avatar Market Watch gameplay video, it's a new week and that means I was once again in the laggy NPC town of Brittany Alleys to check out the prices of items players are selling in the Player Vendors. (Remove lag in Shroud of the Avatar →► Player Vendors In Brittany Alleys
1:30 → Dara Brae Resources
2:15 → Deco and Food
4:25 → The Brasslamp Scroll Shop
5:10 → Sweet Deals by Vooch
6:50 → COTO EXCHANGE BuySell Liberty
8:15 → COTOs FOOD and MORE
10:25 → Deco Food and Gear
12:10 → Bags Weapons HOLIDAY ITEMS
14:10 → S Mart Smash Department
15:50 → Wilfred's Wares
17:55 → Novia Trading Company
18:30 → Mediolanum Emporium
19:10 → Britmart
21:00 → GCotO ATM Buy and Sell
21:45 → EVL Armory
23:35 → Dracheninsel Hanse
24:25 → Three Ring Sales
25:30 → Buy 1800 COTO sell Addons
27:00 → Ore and Furniture
27:20 → The Grab Bag (COTO @ 1990)
31:10 → leather suets etc bargain
35:35 → Variety Shop
36:10 → Vooch's Sweet Deals
38:10 → English Emporium
38:45 → Wicked's Perfect Ideas For You
40:10 → Furnishings December 28th
42:45 → EDGE Trader
45:15 → The Cotton Candy Shop
45:50 → Crazed Scavengers Deals BMC
47:30 → Ofcof Carpentry and Leather
48:25 → RQL Brom
50:00 → Robin's This and That
50:30 → The Four Corners
51:45 → Mayhem's
52:55 → Expert Dockside Crafting Shop
54:40 → Findings and salvages
55:00 → Crafting House w Mats and More
57:05 → Deco Dyes and Outfits
59:30 → SALE Ore Scrolls Potions
1:00:15 → Phil The Merchant
1:01:45 → Scott's Trading
1:02:35 → Cheap Cotton and Mage Gear
1:03:50 → The Freedom Market
1:05:10 → Happy Holidays from tBP
1:05: 35 → Under New Management
1:06:40 → Havoc and Edge Buy Sell COTOs
1:09:50 → Free Gold Buying Crowns
1:11:20 → Ven Dor
1:12:20 → Pets Scrolls buy Coto's more
1:15:20 → Victor Von Doom
1:17:40 → Welcome To Redhammers
1:18:30 → Castle Kits
1:19:50 → Honest Bob Hisself
1:21:15 → Pledge Rewards and Homes
1:22:30 → Metalworkings by Makaryus
1:22:50 → Repair Kits 10x for 800g
1:23:40 → EDGE Trader
1:25:10 → Nov 8th PRICES LOWERED
1:26:20 → Fair Trade
1:27:35 → Stone's Little Shop
1:28:50 → Cheap Resources and Rares
1:29:20 → COTO's Sell and Buy
1:29:55 → Pets and Cheap Stuffs
1:31:55 → Havoc Warehouse
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► About Shroud of the Avatar
Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues is a fantasy RPG that combines a single player narrative with a sandbox MMO created by a team that includes: Richard “Lord British” Garriott the creator of the Ultima series, Starr Long the Director of Ultima Online, and Tracy Hickman the author of Dragonlance.
► Music
"BTS Prolog" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
"Ready Aim Fire" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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Keyboard: A4Tech KBS-720
Headset: E-Wave A30
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