Shroud Of The Avatar Gameplay ★ Finally Talked To Lord Siranto, Lady Khasi Lied & New Tasks Added
(watch the gameplay video or read the transcript below)
Shroud Of The Avatar Gameplay ★ Finally Talked To Lord Siranto, Lady Khasi Lied & New Tasks Added
► Hey guys, welcome back to Shroud of the Avatar. My name is Kabalyero and I'm back here outside the Palace Gate of Lord Siranto's Palace of the Mountain.► The reason why I'm here is, the same as in previous gameplays and that is to enter the Palace of the Mountain and talk to Lord Siranto but first I need this guard to open the gate and let me inside.
► And look at that, for some weird reason, the Palace Gate opened by itself and, now, I'm inside the Palace Ground but, still, I have no idea how the Palace Gate opened.
► Anyway, I'm not going to bother myself with that right now because that is not important. I'll just take this opportunity to go to the Palace and talk to Lord Siranto.
► I'm now inside the Palace of the Mountain and I'm currently talking to Pintar who is the Foreign Minister of Lord Siranto.
► According to Pintar, the Undead are angry and he has no idea why the Undead are angry. The only thing that he knows is that they must be defeated.
► Pintar also said something about talking to Thanatos and travelling to Necropolis to stop the Undead and he wants me to do it? What??? I guess I have to talk to Lord Siranto first because I don't trust this guy.
► Here we have Lord Siranto himself and, that means, I can now find out what the freaking hell is going on here in Ardoris and why the Undead are attacking the villages.
► So according to Lord Siranto, there hasn't been an Avatar for hundreds of years and she calls Arabella a half mad wandering mystic woman.
► I guess Lord Siranto doesn't believe in the Avatar or the Prophecy but he does know a lot about Lord British who is also an Avatar like myself.
► Okay so, I just got a task or quest from Lord Siranto and, also, according to him, Lady Khasi lied to me. He also accused Lady Khasi, his wife, of bribing the Emissaries with the Empress Ring.
► Now I need to go back and find Min Liang Tan again to confirm what Lord Siranto said. I also need to talk to Pintar before leaving the Palace of the Mountain.
► Pintar just repeated what he said to me earlier but I was able to find additional information about two so called Spirit Talkers, Samael and Kardan.
► Now, in addition to talking to Min Liang Tan, I need to find the Peladjar Inn and get the services or help of either Samael or Kardan and I'm going to do that the next time I play Shroud of the Avatar.
► For those of you who are also playing Shroud of the Avatar and you are lagging badly, I suggest you try using WTFast to reduce your game lag.
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